News, Views & How-To's

Rick Scrimger

Managing Expectations

Ever played the game "telephone"? It starts with a circle of people and a wacky story whispered from person-to-person around the circle. The fun comes when the last person in the circle says aloud what they last heard, and the initial person says what they originally started with. Without exception it's completely different from what started the cycle. Managing expectations can be very similar.

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Roland Cartridge Recycling program

I recently saw a post on our Facebook restyling page asking if we had a recycling program. Yes! The Roland recycling program, launched in early 2010, was met with cheers of excitement & enthusiasm from Roland owners. Over the last year, we’ve saved thousands of cartridges from the landfill. One Roland owner had been saving cartridges for years in hopes of a good recycling program…

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Better. Faster. Cheaper.

Not your father's CNC machine. Roland's 3D products are not an easy sell. First of all, there's so much buzz about 3D printing technology, that there's little discussion room left for the older CNC technology. Second, the market is so diverse, literally a hundred different types of customers in a variety of market niches. Trust me, from a marketing perspective, selling CNC is tough. But we believe in what we're doing. Unlike previous CNC machines that demanded that you know programming.

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Can I have a little “Ham & Cheese?”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc et congue enim. Quisque a enim ultrices, interdum mauris vel, tincidunt eros. Quisque id fringilla magna. Etiam sed augue nisl. Donec at cursus quam. Cras tempor est sit amet velit gravida faucibus. Aliquam consectetur purus risus. Etiam imperdiet viverra ex in tempor. Curabitur id mauris vel justo scelerisque fringilla in sed dolor. Nam non metus eu leo varius posuere sit amet sit amet dolor. Aliquam consectetur est dolor, ut sagittis orci scelerisque in.

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30,000 package prototypes

In the category of “a picture is worth a thousand words,” this one might be worth 30,000! We’ve been working on a big summer project in our graphic production department. It all started when we were trying to figure out a way to get an actual box prototype – typically, a one-off – in the hands of the readers of Package Design Magazine. We struck on the idea of inserting one in every issue – which presented a monumental task:

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