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Wicked Cool new VersaWorks Features!

File this under the “How Cool is That?” category. The new version of VersaWorks (Version 3.2.1) includes two relatively well hidden but Wicked Cool features that made me smile.

Wicked Cool Thing #1

Estimated job times.

This feature is located under the Job Settings – Print Quality. Each quality setting provides an estimated print time. Now you can refer to the Estimated Job Time when quoting jobs, scheduling workflow, or letting your spouse know what time you will be home for dinner (where was this feature when I needed it??).

Wicked Cool Thing #2

Estimated Ink Consumption.

This feature is displayed in the Preview Window of VersaWorks (the center column of information specific to each job). You can view the Estimated Ink Consumption at the bottom of the window under the File Attribute, Document Information, and Job Properties. Use this information to calculate your ink costs prior to running the job. In the example shown, estimated ink consumption is .71cc.

If we do the math, we find that this job will cost us about 21.6¢ in ink ($66.99/ink cartridge divided by 220cc/cartridge = 30.4¢/cc times .71cc = 21.6¢

Roland DGA

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