News, Views & How-To's


Roland customers are some of the most imaginative and creative people we've ever met. To support your creativity and need for inspiration,we have created a selection of blog entries to help you get inspired and excited about creating your next vehicle wrap, sign, custom graphic or prototype.  The following content ranges from fun articles and infographics to customer interviews and print news.

Off to Japan

Votes have been counted, and samples have been securely packed. While the Roland Creative Awards have been closed to entries for months now, final judging hasn’t taken place yet. In the next few days, regional winners from around the world will be headed to our headquarters in Japan for a tour, celebration, and awarding of the grand prizes, which include Roland hardware.

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Making Money with Metallic Printing

We recently conducted a survey of our users who have “metallic capable” devices from our lineup, and we found some amazing nuggets I’d like to share. The survey was sent to 500+ users, with a 29% response rate, enough that the results are statistically significant. For starters, 61% of those units are set up to run our metallic Eco Sol Max inks.

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Taking in the Creativity of the Creative Awards

I don’t know about your office, but ours runs at 100mph for most of the year. I’m sure you can relate. If it’s not a tradeshow, it’s a product launch. If it’s not a product launch, it’s budget time. If it’s not budget time, it’s a web redesign. And so it goes. The best part is, that no matter how busy we are, we always manage to squeeze in a little fun, mostly due to our quirky staff. Last week for example, the Occupy movement set up camp, right in our department! (Notice Romie, our web guy. He’s a total Mac-head and he made his “iProtest” sign on his iPad.)

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Customer Testimonials

Everyone loves a good story. Which is why whenever we’re not launching new products, we try to feature our customers’ work in our advertising and public relations. It’s our belief that seeing and reading about what a customer has done with their Roland inkjet, vinyl cutter, engraver or milling machine is far more engrossing and believable than us tooting our own horn.

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What’s Your Secret Sauce?

Back when I was in high school, our favorite burger joint advertised its secret sauce. Whatever it was made from, it gave their burgers a decidedly different taste than other hamburgers. Today, marketers often talk about successful brands having a “secret sauce” – and they’re not talking about fast food. For Apple, their secret sauce is not only inventing groundbreaking products, but packaging them in a way that is simplistic to the point of seeming obvious. As Jonathan Ive, Apple chief designer says, “It feels almost inevitable.”

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Revisiting Japan… 5 Months After the Storm

It’s been 5 months since the country of Japan was turned upside down by a pair of natural disasters and a nuclear crisis. [See Dave’s Blog immediately following the crisis “The Sun Will Rise Again] While the world headlines have turned their attention elsewhere, the Japanese people are still dealing with the consequences and working on recovery day by day.

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Take the Time

After a break that stretched too many years, I have been riding my bike a lot lately. Don’t worry, this isn’t going to be a preachy post about the value of exercise, or good nutrition. There’s a lot out there on that, and everyone should make their own choices in life. No one who has met me would mistake me for a long-lost Schleck brother, and I’ve got a very long way to go before anyone’s likely to ask me for fitness advice.

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